1. The organiser of the awards is Retail Destination, Lewis Business Media (Arts), Suite A, Arun House, The Office Village, Uckfield, TN22 1SL.
  2. By entering the awards the entrant will be deemed to have read and understood these rules and to be bound by them. These rules include any instructions set out with the awards details.
  3. A fee of £80.00 + VAT will be charged for each entry.
  4. There is no restriction on the number of entries or on the number of categories for which entries may be submitted. Each entry needs to be on a separate form.
  5.  Entrants must work for or be from a UK shopping centre.
  6. All entries must be sent by email to arrive no later than Friday 7th June 2024 or by the date of extension if this is permitted.
  7. Entries will only be accepted if they are submitted on the entry form, completed in full and accompanied by any supporting documents.
  8. Entries must be paid for in full by the time of judging or will be void from entry.
  9. Entries must be signed by the person responsible for submitting the entry and to whom all correspondence concerning the Awards should be addressed.
  10. Entries will become the property of the organiser and will not be returned.
  11. Responsibility cannot be accepted for lost, late or mislaid entry and any entry which is damaged, defaced, illegible or incomplete, or which otherwise does not comply with these terms and conditions may be deemed invalid in the sole discretion of the organiser.
  12. The shortlist for the awards will be announced in July 2024. Short-listed entrants will be notified by email as soon as practicable following the announcement.
  13. Award winners will be announced the night of the Sceptre Awards. The winners’ names will be published in Retail Destination and online at www.retaildestination.co.uk.
  14. The organiser reserves the right to change the categories and the judging panel without prior notice to entrants.
  15. The judges may decline to make some or all of the awards in any category if, in their opinion, there are insufficient entries of a winning standard.
  16. The organiser’s decision on all matters affecting this competition is final and legally binding.
  17. No correspondence will be entered into.
  18. Winners may be required to take part in some post-event publicity and consent to their name and photograph being used for such purposes.
  19. Winners may publicise they are a category winner or short-listed in “Retail Destination SCEPTRE Awards™ 2024” provided that the category is specified.